July 10, 2024

Dutchie and the CCIA Discuss Recalls and Reconciliation for CA Retailers

July 10, 2024
July 10, 2024

On June 27th, 2024, Dutchie and the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA) hosted an insightful webinar focusing on the crucial topics of recalls and reconciliation for California retailers. The agenda was packed with valuable information, including the DCC State of the Union, the audit and reconciliation process, the root causes of recalls, and a live Q&A session.

Key Highlights


DCC State of the Union, recalls, finishing batches

Michaela Sweatt, Licensing and Compliance Director at Austin Legal Group and Co-Chair of the Agriculture and Manufacturing Committee of the CCIA, kicked off the webinar. Michaela provided an in-depth explanation of the steps retailers should take upon receiving a recall notice. She clarified the differences between recalls and embargos, emphasizing the importance of immediate action. Key reasons for recalls were outlined, including:

  • Adulteration: Products found to contain pesticides, mold, metals, solvents, unapproved substances, unlabeled allergens, non-food grade ingredients, and other unauthorized components.
  • Misbranding: Issues related to missing or incorrect label components as determined by the DCC.

Michaela also highlighted retailers' responsibilities in managing recalls and embargos, stressing the severe consequences of non-compliance and the importance of quarantining affected products.


Audit and reconciliation process overview

Jesse Duncan, Senior Account Executive II at Dutchie, provided an overview of the audit and reconciliation process. He discussed the specific recalls being seen in California, particularly focusing on the rising issue of Aspergillus contamination, which poses significant risks to both consumers and operators. Jesse offered practical advice on prevention and control within the supply chain and shared strategies for retailers to manage recalls effectively.


Causes of recalls

The webinar delved into the primary causes of recalls, with an emphasis on both adulteration and misbranding. The discussion covered the various contaminants and labeling issues that can lead to product recalls, and the steps retailers must take to ensure compliance with state regulations.


Technological solutions

Stacy Hopkins, Staff Product Manager at Dutchie, wrapped up the session by discussing the technological solutions available to retailers. She explained how Metrc, the state’s track-and-trace system, places embargos and recalls packages on administrative hold. Dutchie's POS system syncs with Metrc, ensuring that packages on hold cannot be sold or added to a manifest. This feature provides peace of mind to retailers by preventing the inadvertent sale of recalled products. This webinar, held in partnership with the California Cannabis Industry Association, was an invaluable resource for California retailers. It provided critical insights into the recall and reconciliation processes, helping businesses navigate the complex regulatory landscape and maintain compliance. By leveraging the expertise of industry leaders and the latest technological tools, retailers can better protect their customers and their businesses from the challenges posed by recalls.


More about CCIA

The California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA) aims to promote the growth of a responsible and legitimate cannabis industry, advocating for a favorable social, economic, and legal environment in California. Founded on the principle of strength in numbers, CCIA represents thousands of state-legal cannabis businesses, ensuring their interests are professionally and effectively represented at the state level. Stay tuned for more updates and educational opportunities from Dutchie and CCIA as we continue to support the cannabis industry's growth and success in California.



About the author
The Dutchie Squad