Connecticut cannabis business compliance guide

In this guide, we'll cover:
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Dutchie does not provide compliance advice. Merchants are responsible for their own compliance. External Dutchie compliance documentation may be updated from time to time and has been prepared for informational purposes only, is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or compliance advice. Merchants should consult their own tax, legal and compliance advisors to determine how best to operate within the cannabis industry.

‍Market Type

In Connecticut, cannabis is regulated by the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP). Medical and adult-use cannabis are allowed.Β 

Tracking & Inventory

Connecticut uses a combination of Biotrack and PMP for their state traceability systems.Β  Sales must be logged in both systems.Β  PMP must be utilized by stores to understand a patient’s current allotment.Β  Biotrack additionally tracks inventory.

Purchase Limits


Sales are currently limited to 1/4 ounce of cannabis flower, or its equivalent, per transaction.


A dispensary may dispense a portion of a patient's monthly limit, not to exceed 5 oz of cannabis.


This is the formula the state has provided for the calculation of flower equivalence for the entire market:

Gram equivalency=(total mg of total THC/250)+(total of mg non-THC cannabinoids/500)



Potency tax

  • Plant material: 0.625 cents per milligram total THC
  • Edible product: 2.75 cents per milligram total THC
  • Other cannabis products: 0.9 cents per milligram total THC

Adult use cannabis is also subject to state sales tax.Β  Municipalities may additionally tax up to 3%.


Medical cannabis is not subject to any tax.


Delivery may be conducted for patients and consumers.

Delivery operations

Delivery operations in Connecticut are only allowed to carry inventory for their current deliveries.Β Β 

Things to Note

Special rules, things that have come up, regulator confirmation of things, guidance

State Resources

The DCP hosts separate pages for medical and adult use.



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How long does it take for applications to be reviewed?

How many licenses do we expect New York to issue?

Has New York identified what the application will look like?

How will the office evaluate applications?

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