January 18, 2022

Our new look: growth with gratitude

October 8, 2021
January 18, 2022

The cannabis industry has continued to blossom in the four years since Dutchie launched. We’ve all grown together: from the industry and businesses that define it, to our communities and society’s mindset towards cannabis.

For Dutchie, our growth accelerated this year as we doubled down on product development and expanded our offerings to help our customers grow. What started as a small ecommerce product local to Bend, Oregon, is now a comprehensive technology platform for cannabis retailers, offering solutions for point of sale, ecommerce, payments, and more.

True to this spirit of growth, today we're introducing a new look for the Dutchie brand that's more representative of who we are and just how much we've evolved—all thanks to our dispensary partners.

Our new brand highlights:

  • Dutchie’s evolved suite of product offerings. We're a one-stop shop for cannabis retailers, offering POS, ecomm, payments solutions, and more. By welcoming LeafLogix and Greenbits into the family, we're able to share perspectives, work together, and combine resources to make our products the best they can be for our customers.
  • Our new logo, The Group Hug, signifies the “arms” of the industry coming together. The symbol is made up of the cannabis community, with people from all walks of life, coming together to embrace cannabis. It also shows a blooming flower, and represents our commitment to helping our customers—and the industry as a whole—continue to grow. Bonus points for those of you who spotted the subtle hidden “d.”
  • Expressing the dynamic, vibrant Dutchie community through our new style and colors. These visuals represent who we are at Dutchie. We lead with humanity—we're a company built on relationships, showing up every day to help our customers. But, we're also unique individuals, and exhibiting that range is important to us. Our new color palette balances bold and soothing colors, reflecting our dynamic range and the energy and optimism we have for the plant and the cannabis space.

We couldn’t be more grateful to be a part of this industry, collectively helping to spread the positive benefits that cannabis is bringing to society and the world. We are all working towards progressing the cannabis movement, because we believe cannabis is good for humanity. Here’s to continuing to open people’s minds, creating greater access, and moving the industry forward together.


Ross & Zach Lipson

About the author
The Dutchie Squad